What the basic of communication?
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Answer / syed shafeeq ahmed
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Answer / pavan k wagh
for communication we need 1) signal 2) address and 3)means
of transport of signal like cable, wireless
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What the basic of communication?
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(1) In turbine, what does term CDP, NI, NH, HSSOC, means. (2) What is the purpose of LO overhead tank in turbines.(3) An equipment is certified for EEX, IA, IIC,T6, what do you under stand by this.(4) what is SURGE, and how it is prevented, what is the purpose of bypass valve across AS valve.(5) Give 2 application of quartz crystal used for process parameter measurement.(6) what is meant by cold float of compressor shaft. (7) state four different types of flow measurement. For gas flow measurement mmscfd is the common unit. Expand the unit and specify significance of word S in the unit.(8) what is meant by Gap voltage, in vibration measurement. Normally how much Gap voltage is set and state the reason.(9) what will the new flow factor if D/P transmitter is Re-Ranged from 25” wc to 50” wc.(10) what is the usage of QDV & Volume booster.