waht is the difference between min-max planning and reorder
point ?????
Differentiate between intra & inter UOM class conversion with examples????
difference between purchase price variance and invoice price variance???
what are the tables used for the item catalog conversion and similarly mandatory columns along with validations?
If any delivery grouping attributes in a sales order lines are different then what is the impact during pick release in shipping transaction form,What changes you observe?
Tell me is there a way to update schedule ship date for all lines of so in one go?
what is the connection between wsh_delivery_details and oe_order_headers_all or oe_order_lines_all? what is the connection between invoice and check payments?
If owner wants to self approve then what the set-ups required?
How many item master organisations can be created in Multi org structure ??????
what is the difference between item category and item catalog can you please give examples for both
When does Sales order header get closed?
If owner wants to self approve then what the set-ups required?
Have you handled SR and worked with Oracle for resolution of issues? If yes, how do you assign the priority while raising a SR?