Before given the connection to Alternator (pre-
commissioning) which tests we will conduct
Answer / r.bharath kumar.c.p.p
1.check the
megger value of
2.check exciter
& pmg
relay working in
good condition/ test &
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what is the working principle of soft-starter & how it diff. from VFD ?????????
Define peak overshoot.
We use ACB in LT and VCB in HT.But if we use VCB in LT and ACB in HT that what will be the effect on the system or any power range?
In Swinburne's Test on D.C.machines, why the efficiency is more when the machine runs as generator than when it runs as motor???
6 Answers College School Exams Tests, GE, MVR, Practical Viva Questions,
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In electrostatic precipitator why positive terminal of tranformer rectifier unit is grounded?
why transformer is rated in kva instead of kw?
In an alternator running with a balanced zero p.f. lagging load, phase differernc between the resultant armature flux and main field flux is always____? options is 180 degree....why?? explain.
how to copy from plc ge fanuc versamax series,all input and output, adress, and printout.
WHERE to use CVT & PT.