Starting Time of LT & HT Motor
In electrical locomotive engines, the DC series motors is being used as traction motor. But in new engines like in WAP7 & WAG9 the 3-phase squiral cage induction motors has replaced them. So can someone tell me the advantages of induction motor over dc seris motor in engines points of view....???
c++ write a program to use a fuction call "max"which accepts an intger arrey of an arrument and return the larger and smallest of the arrey to main without changing. the original changing of the original position of the element of the arrey.
if an induction motor is operated at unity power factor what will happen? will motor run or not? kindly describe a logical answer?
what is vcb & working principal
why dc motor runs slowly when dc supply is given?
We use ACB in LT and VCB in HT.But if we use VCB in LT and ACB in HT that what will be the effect on the system or any power range?
do you have some of interview Questions in power and genrator section in general whith answers
If increased the frequency up to 1000 then what changes shows in voltage?
what is difference between RCB,RCCB &RCBO?
Main advantage of auto transformer over two windings transformer is that A it needs no cooling B it uses only one winding C core losses are reduced D it has simple construction
bsnl tta exam question
What is the difference between Floot charge and Trickle Charge.