how does an encoder work???
slipring induction motor starting time Lrs operating why lrs starting time lrs outer body didn't get shock
wha tis the ac motor used for traction system
why are using bus ducts ? why not using cables
Pl. brief about break-down maintenance of machine tool.
What is the difference between alternator and generator?
in Megger what type of voltage(AC or DC) are they work.
Do anybody has a design software or tools for the selection and design of electromechanical components???
what is anode and cathode??
what questions are asked in the interview for the post of an electrical maintenance engineer in FMCG companies?
What is transposition in a transmision line?
Fire pumps are not used with ELCB control, why ?
why does same amount of current flow in the circuit inspite of any number of resistances in the circuit?