what is the kva rating of 20 kv transformer?
1.what is the difference between ct and cvt? 2.what is the difference between pt and cvt? 3.what is the difference between relays and circuit breakers?
sir, what is the importance of Fault MVA. how to calculate fault mva of 33kv substation connected by 6.5 km line(single circuit with equal spacing) with 110/11kv transformer in 110kv susbstation.the fault mva on 11 kv bus in 110kv susbstation is 208mva.
15hp motor wound by 0.9mm & 0.95mm magnet wire. at no load test it draw 4.2A current. Another motor with same condition draw 9.2A current. How can that occur? pls help
in what type of applications v can use q meter?
hi frienda We have 750kva cater pillet dg set we are fasing one diffrent proublam in dg we are start dg set after one mint applying load around 450a load but dg was run 3 Or 4 mints after 3 mints dg was shuding down automatic how to face this proublam pls tel any budy
What type interview questions ask in Electrical technicians
Metal covered multiconductor cables shall employ a marker tape located within the cable running for its complete length in lieu of cable surface marking. Is it true or false?
What is meaning of out of phase (making & breaking) capacity And how to calculate
what are the specifications we must look at to select a relay for any capacity motor?
What are the different protection systems takes place on control panel board?
what is the condition for YnD11
Which capacitor is preferred for high voltage and frequency?