what is the condition for YnD11
why are you use the crgo core lamination in transformer
1. transformer design formula ? 2. how to calculate the primary turns and secondry turns ? 3. core types ? 4. how to find the primary current and secondry current ? 5. how to calculate the stacking factor ? 6. range of fulx density ?
2 Answers Automation, Indian Railways, Mogora Cosmic,
How many 2 ton window A/c can runs on a 125 KVA generator?
in ACB breaker requireding 3200Amps. buscoupler getting OFF mode and again it reset and getting normal position give me a required answer?
What is transmission line potential gradiant?
the problem faced on star or delta winding connection??
how to calculate power factor of capacitor? what is transformer rating?
How to calculate CT ratio for 11KV 1500KVA Transformer 500KVA MD and 1400KVA connected load ? Note:- As per MSEB(Maharastra state electricity Board)
Buchholz relay is used ………. a) protection T/F b) oil T/F c) Air core T/F
8 Answers Engineers India Limited,
why ct output is in 5A?
why active power is called as real power or working component.What is the exact function of active, reactive & apperent power.
why the starting voltage drop in a cable needs to be limited?what is percentage of the voltage drop allowed during starting?