How can i display 5 asterisk and another 5 asterisk )?
Cement coefficient used for Solid and hollow concrete blocks
what is the minium content of cementous material per cu meter
Whr is use tierod???what is standard size of it
What out turn civil works
What are the structural steel & where they are used
what is ppc????
If in a structure, e.g, 20mm steel bar is not available and we use 16mm steel bar instead of 20mm bar, how can we calculate the no. of steel bars for 16mm diameter bar?
what is the formula of concrete quantity
4 Answers NKB, Soma Enterprises,
difference between minor and major bridge.
what is the allowable silt content in concrete?
In your experience what is the maximum beam length. What's beam size and also please provide column size also. Thanks.
Suppose a new brick wall is being constructed,and the courses and not aligned horizontally,what negetives can it cause?