how many processes will gate created execution of
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how many processes will gate created execution of -------- fork(); fork(); fork(); -------- P..

Answer / rajesh

the answer is 8.if n fork calls then no.of processes will
be 2^n

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 13 No

how many processes will gate created execution of -------- fork(); fork(); fork(); -------- P..

Answer / nishant

7 child process will b created.
Because 1 process ia already present at the start

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 1 No

how many processes will gate created execution of -------- fork(); fork(); fork(); -------- P..

Answer / abhinav

The process creation at each fork is shown. the number after
fork tells which process is calling fork.
Total 8 processes.

/ \--5
/ \ /--3
/ \---fork3
---fork1 \--6
| /--2
\ /--fork2--
\ / \--7
\ /--4

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 3 No

how many processes will gate created execution of -------- fork(); fork(); fork(); -------- P..

Answer / rakesh

ya right 8 processes .
For further explanation visit -

This site gives good explanation .

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 3 No

how many processes will gate created execution of -------- fork(); fork(); fork(); -------- P..

Answer / sh@n

When under a recursive call 2^n-1 else its 2^n.

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how many processes will gate created execution of -------- fork(); fork(); fork(); -------- P..

Answer / ann


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how many processes will gate created execution of -------- fork(); fork(); fork(); -------- P..

Answer / nisha

'8' as formulated by rajesh but in case, fork() used with the combination of && and || operators,,this formula doesn't work...

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

how many processes will gate created execution of -------- fork(); fork(); fork(); -------- P..

Answer / sagar arora

8 because of the rajesh logic but sometimes it fails.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 10 No

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