Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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Can someone explain how does an IDMT relay works.


1 2665

wich timer i have prefred for pusher operation fwd & back?


2 4342

Why Drives are used to run AC motors?

3 4896

checklist of ELCB


1 12719

what is neutral?

2 3945

what is deferens between HT< DG

2 5241

why C.T protection required for H.T.lines?

4 8857

What are the effects to a distribution transformer rated 10Kv with ratio 10Kv/0.433Kv, 3phase 50hz for example but fed with power supply of 11Kv?

2 3620

does meager test perform on lightning arrester ? if doesn't then why ?

1 3424

Which companies are into the project management of construction of power transmission line?

2 2988

what is difference between megger & Contact resistance meter & its Application?

2 8506

How many types of isolator is available for H.T.lines? which one is best for sub-station?

4 9347

why ct is connected at bushing of transformer ??????????

3 6022

WHAT IS THE WORKING PRINCIPLE OF A GENERATER.how is a GTG (Gas TURBANE Generater) working.plz explane

Assure Group,


Why do we need interlocking in a HT metering or Ring main unit switchgear?


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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

how we find transformer capacity by ohm


how can we make cable shedule for controll wiring ? which details must be required for it.?


132/66kv sub-station procation ?


any idea abt REVERSE METERING concept.........?


What is the basis for framing the rules of block diagram reduction technique?


Please provided formula for calculate the cable size from step up transformer to M.V panel, run overhead aluminum cables, total load is 5mega watt, total length 900 feet.


What are the specifications for getting approval of Substation?


How Can you do Maintenance of ACB of 2000Amperes


What are the main significances of root locus?


why zero sequence impedance measurement is not applicable for single phase GT


Can anyone please provide me details of MCCB/Contactor/SFU rating calculations for a motor feeder..for example 50 kw.. not from type-2 cordination chart. i want manual calculations..


What is domestic transformer? Draw the connection of domestic transformer.


what are the tests comes under the type test, what tests comes under routine tests.


What is stepper motor?


What are the components connected in between the power supply coming from an electric pole to HT & LT Panels in a large commercial building or how the power supply connected from Electric pole to Transformer & then to the HT & LT panels of a building? Please send me answers via mail, my id is yogiagarwal@gmail.com. If possible, please give a line diagram.