hi can you give any body fault level calculation, generator fault level calculation,transformer fault level calculation for system fault level with equation? i have 3.3kv generation voltage three gas gen sets, one is 1.9MW,2nd is 2.5MW,& 3rd is 3.8MW & i have 11 kv generation voltage one gas gen sets is 3.8MW, we are step up to 22kv by transformer
3 7053How delta connection in the primary of distribution transformer reduces harmonics?how delta connections reduces harmonics?Please answer me...Hope that question is correct.
1839how we can come to know that motor winding resistance which showing by DMM is right or wrong???is there any chart or something that we will compare & check???
1568Lux meter is the measuring device to measure the lux level of lighting fixture. in industrial sector two types of lighting fixture is being used as street lighting purpose 1. HPSV (Sodium) and 2. HPMV (Mercury). HPMV having white light which is an combination of red, blue and yellow colour, while HPSV haivng Yellow lighting. in HPSV red & blue colour will be absent. during measurement of the lux level of HPSV and HPMV fixture. 1. Lux meter can measure the actual lux level of both fixture? 2. or it will show false reading for HPSV fixture light as it has only yellow light present. please give me answer
1 5908What is the minimum insulation value required for a cable between phase to phase and phase to earth of 380 Vac 50Hz circuit, having load arround 800 amps.
2 8370what is the maximum current carrying capacity of a 95 sqmm cupper under ground cable laid partialy in land and partialy in ground?
4 6542when we megger is not damaged when we are measuring very low resistance? high d.c. voltage is produced in megger so according to i=V/R. current will be high so what is the reason ?
1 3295when the direction of a 3phase induction motor is reversed , is there any losses increases?
5 8301a 3 phase slip ring induction motor is wound for 4 poles on stator and 6 poles on rotor; when 3 phase balanced voltage source at 50 hz is applied to motor it will run at a)1500rpm b)1000rpm c)750 rpm d)zero rpm
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