In GC Why does retention time decrease when temperature increases? Also how does a change in temperature effect selectivity?
1 3307Post New Analytical Chemistry Questions
why salisylic acid not using now days for disdolution calibration?
How you develop a method in HPLC?
please explian me about area normalisation method,diluted standard method,impurity vs impurity and which one has to be selected in method development
what is the extinction coefficient for Indomethacin or at 319nm wave length.
if your impurity coeluting with each other in that situation how require to set specification? is it acceptable?
Which parameter require to do for analytical method equivalency?
when we talk about change in entropy we consider total entropy means of surround +entropy of system but when we talk about change in Gibss free energy we consider entropy of system.explain with reason.
how you start the solubility study?
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What is control room temperature and which guide line says?
how you fix the limits of impurities?
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4. Describe the operation of the Craig apparatus. Chapter.3 Equilibrium Processes in Separations
which one is better separation in high pressure liquide chromatogram orlowpressure chromato gram in hplc
how to select short coloum and long coloumn for new molecule