Bio Chemistry Interview Questions
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why we use 96 well plate in ELISA plate reader?


Glycolysis is A) C6H12O6 --> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 B) C6H12O6 --> 2CH3H4O3 + 4H c) C3H4O3 + NAD --> C2H5OH + CO2 NAD D) C6H12O6 + 6H20 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O


protine is the substrate found in A) Aerobic respiration B) Protoplasmic perspiration C) seedling stage D) floating respirtaion

2 4487

What is the pore size of nitro cellulose memberane used in soythern blotting technique?

1 2821

Is protein biggerrr than RNA

2 3931

What molecules are present in a typical soap such as sodium stearate and explain how it functions to remove grease from clothes.

1 3038

how will u identify which one of the given 2 test tube contains protein solution or which one contains DNA solution without using any instrument?

5 6073

what are the differences in gene regulations in prokaryotes and that in eukaryotes?

3 5147

Is there any metabolic pathway for water? If not is it possible to provide one?

3 4665

I would like to know what are the main difference in mechanisms of action of: Ascorbic Acid beta-mercaptoethanol and Dimetilsulfoxide (DMSO). thanks in advance.

1 3556

if hydrogen ion concentration of a solution is 90% what will be the ph of that solution?


2 4602

1)how can u determine the concentration in an atp solution. (iisc phd interview) 2)why snake venum toxin is not acting as toxin to snake


2 11176

mutarotation is observed when phenol and pyridine both are present but phenol or pyridine alone cannot show mutarotation-explain why?


What is the difference between Gram positive & Gram negative bacteria based on its cell contents?

2 6412

How the pure culture can be produced?

1 3324

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Un-Answered Questions { Bio Chemistry }

give the formula of borax. Borax is chemically called as.


What are some examples of chemical and physical changes?


Which are the nucleotides “portions” that bind in the formation of nucleic acids?


What are respectively some remarkable functions of myosin, cd4, albumin, keratin, immunoglobulin, reverse transcriptase, hemoglobin, and insulin?


What is dipole?


What are the raw materials used for the precipitation of Na2Co3 by Solvay ammonium Process?


Of what units are, nucleic acids constituted. What are the chemical entities that compose that unit?


What are the compounds used for extraction of Gold and Silver?


How do you call the geometrical isomerism, similar groups are present on same side?


Which oxo acids of sulphur contain s-s bonds?


What are catalysts?


Since pepsin is a gastric enzyme does it, has acid or basic optimum ph? What happen to pepsin when it passes to the duodenum?


what is meant by codan optimisation m rna enrichment?


What happens in methylation of dna?


Define Hybridization?