Databases Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Is there an object-oriented version of MySQL library functions?

1 822

What is the storage engine used for MySQL?

1 823

What is the use of ENUM in MySQL?

1 793

How to create triggers in MySQL?

1 890

What is the difference between the DELETE TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE commands in MySQL?

1 754

What is DDL in MySQL?

1 957

What is DML in MySQL?

1 786

What is DCL in MySQL?

1 981

How to save images in MySQL?

2 1167

Explain GRANT command in MySQL.

1 693

What are different TEXT data types in MySQL?

1 838

What different Stored Objects are supported in MySQL?

1 894

What is MySQL Stored Procedure?

1 829

What are the features of Stored Procedures in MYSQL?

1 772

In the below example, how many String Objects are created? String s1="I am Java Expert"; String s2="I am C Expert"; String s3="I am Java Expert";

1 767

Un-Answered Questions { Databases }

What are the differences between clustered and non-clustered index?


What is the difference between value type and reference type?


How is data stored in mongodb?


How do I make isql secure in sybase?


What is redis good for?


Can you create a database in word?


what are wild cards used in database for pattern matching ? : Sql dba


Where is my mongodb database?


How to skip remaining statements in a loop block using continue statements?


what are the different kinds of indexing?


Can you copy and paste from excel to access?


How to get the Installed Oracle Version Information ?


What does select count (*) mean in sql?


can an automatic recovery be initiated by a user? : Sql server administration


What is a concurrency problem in dbms?