Can somebody helps me to arrange these into ascending order depending on their sizes: 1)OLTP 2)ODS 3)DWH 4)DATA MART
2 5350what's query optimization and without use of IN AND Exist can we get another way data from query
1857What is tablespace in oracle? how can we create? how is it manage? . . . Thnx 2 All in Advnc....:)
3 4397I want to make a query where I want to eliminate the duplicate rows from the table. For example : Input : Table : NAME Column1 Column2 India USA USA India UK India India UK The desired output that I want to eliminate the duplicates Output India USA UK India Thanks
2 4614i have a customer table. trans_id trans_date trans_amt debit_credit_indicator 001 01-JAN-13 1099 cr 001 12-JAN-13 500 db 002 24-FEB-13 400 db 002 23-MAR-13 345 cr 001 18-APR-13 800 cr 002 15-MAR-13 600 db 001 12-FEB-13 200 cr i want like this output. trans_id trans_amt debit_credit_indicator i want get highest credit amount and lowest credit amount and highest debit amount and lowest debit amount for each trans_id.
2 5557trans_id trans_date trans_amt debit_credit_indicator 001 01-JAN-13 1099 cr 001 12-JAN-13 500 db 002 24-FEB-13 400 db 002 23-MAR-13 345 cr 001 18-APR-13 800 cr 002 15-MAR-13 600 db 001 12-FEB-13 200 cr i want like this output trans_id trans_date trans_amt debit_credit_indicator 001 JAN 1599 cr no.of trans 2 i want trans_id and trans_date like 'JAN' or 'FEB' etc, trans_amt i want all credit amount - debit amount per each trans_id. and debit_credit_indicator and no.of transactions in a month.
1 4913I Have A Table Like This. Cityno Cityname Mails 1 Bangalore 8km 2 Hsr Layout 20km 3 Mejistic 30km 4 Jayadeva 55km 5 Itpl 80km 6 Hebbal 115km I Have Data Like This I Want O/p Like This Distance No.ofcity 0-50km 3 51-100km 2 101-150km 4 And So On
6 12098i have a customer table. trans_id trans_date trans_amt debit_credit_indicator 001 01-JAN-13 1099 cr 001 12-JAN-13 500 db 002 24-FEB-13 400 db 002 23-MAR-13 345 cr 001 18-APR-13 800 cr 002 15-MAR-13 600 db 001 12-FEB-13 200 cr i want like this output. trans_id trans_amt debit_credit_indicator i want get highest credit amount and lowest credit amount and highest debit amount and lowest debit amount for each trans_id. pls give me answer. i want urgent
3 5359i have a table like this. cityno cityname mails 1 BANGALORE 8KM 2 HSR LAYOUT 20KM 3 MEJISTIC 30KM 4 JAYADEVA 55KM 5 ITPL 80KM 6 HEBBAL 115KM I HAVE DATA LIKE THIS I WANT O/P LIKE THIS DISTANCE NO.OFCITY 0-50KM 3 51-100KM 2 101-150KM 4 AND SO ON pls give me answer. i want urgent
6 7528
How many types of databases are there in ms access?
Where is pl sql used?
Is mysql a dbms?
Can mysql scale horizontally?
What is an Oracle database Full Backup?
You have developed an application which uses many stored procedures and triggers to update various tables users ocassionally get locking problems which tool is best suited to help you diagnose the problem?
What is the difference between couchdb and mongodb?
What is chargeback invoice? How do we create it? : oracle accounts receivable
How many types of cursors supported in pl/sql?
What are the benefits of normalization?
What is trigger in mysql?
How to take backup in sybase database in sap?
What are the different neo4j cql command?
Can you give me some DBCC command options?(Database consistency check) - DBCC CHECKDB - Ensures that tables in the db and the indexes are correctly linked.and DBCC CHECKALLOC - To check that all pages in a db are correctly allocated. DBCC SQLPERF - It gives report on current usage of transaction log in percentage. DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP - Checks all tables file group for any damage.
What is index hunting?