Table A Table B 1 1 2 1 3 1. Union & union all --> A Union B , A Union all B 2. Minus , Intersect --> A minus B , B Minus A , A Intersect B 3. Joins A join B , A Left Join B A Right Join B , A full Join B 4. %Type - Uses & Benifit 5. Truncate & Delete 6. Pragma Autonomus Transaction 7. how to Perform DDL from function or procedure 8. Can we have DML inside Function 9. Rank & Dense Rank diffrence 10. Water Mark in Oracle 11. Index , Can we have index in all column of table if no then why ?
What is transaction server isolation?
Why is mongodb used?
How do you run a query?
How many columns can exist together per table?
Which statement is used in a select query for partial matching?
What is blob in mysql?
Is a primary key unique?
How can I introduce multiple conditions in like operator?
How many commands are in sql?
When do you analyze the tables?
How do I turn off marked suspect on my database in sybase?
How to delete an existing row with delete statements in ms sql server?
How to start oracle sql developer?
What is meant by decimal (5,2)?
How do we upgrade from SQL Server 6.5 to 7.0 and 7.0 to 2000?