Databases Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP?

1 356

What are indexes, and what are the different types?

1 299

Explain the concept of normalization.

1 336

What is a CTE (Common Table Expression), and how is it different from a subquery?

1 312

What are triggers, and when would you use them?

1 368

Compare SQL and PL/SQL.

1 49

Do you know the basic structure of PL/SQL?

1 377

What Is a Trigger? How Do You Use It?

1 381

What data types does pl/SQL have?

1 363

Explain the PL/SQL compilation process.

1 368

Tell me what a package consists of.

1 358

What are the benefits of using PL/SQL packages?

1 361

Do you understand the meaning of exception handling?

1 342

Give me some examples of predefined exceptions.

1 457

How to resolve the ORA-39133 error in Oracle?


Un-Answered Questions { Databases }

How many primary keys can a table have?


Explain different types of collation sensitivity?


What specific conditions database should meet, before you can bulk copy data into it using bcp?


What is foreign key in mysql?


Every night you run a full backup after every 3 three hours you make a differential backup every hour you make an incremental backup in a worst-case scenario, how much work you can lose?


Explain the use of online redo log files in oracle.


How can you append an identity column to a temporary table?


What is row-level compre?


WHAT IS ecc 6.0


What is difference between stored procedure and user defined function?


Write a program that shows the usage of while loop to calculate the average of user entered numbers and entry of more numbers are stopped by entering number 0?


Show one instance when you encountered an error in alert log and you overcome that error. What actions you took to overcome that error.


What are procedures in mysql?


Can you call pl/sql package functions from within a fast formula?


What is tee command in mysql?