If I start multiple instances of the same process(which is listening on a queue), will I have multiple receivers on a queue ?
2 4543If secondary server finds out that the Primary is down and comes up.Where does it gets the messages from.
1197If Sender has sent the message on a queue.If the JMS Primary Server went down and secondary Server get the message which is lost. Where is the message now?
1309If there are Senders who are sending messages on a queue. And these messages are not yet received by the consumers. They are still lying in the server. But before the consumers could receive the message the server went down. Since they are persistent messages, they are saved. But when secondary comes up how will the secondary server will get the message because it’s a different machine. How will it get the messages which are with the Primary server?
Why we implement the tibco in our organization or company?
If there are two sub processes then how can we call at a time one sub process dynamically by using call process?
Where does the tibco admin maintains the version history of the application? Please tell us the path?
How to use legacy .dat file format with latest designer ?
What are the revision control system options available in tibco designer?
Explain Client and EXplicit Client dupsOK Acknowledge modes in jms?
By using which bw palette we can create db table?
How do you determine if there are broken references in the project?
What is the purpose of the inspector activity ?
What is the advantage of scripted deployment in tibco?
If there are Senders who are sending messages on a queue. And these messages are not yet received by the consumers. They are still lying in the server. But before the consumers could receive the message the server went down. Since they are persistent messages, they are saved. But when secondary comes up how will the secondary server will get the message because it’s a different machine. How will it get the messages which are with the Primary server?
How to control the sequence of execution of process instances created by a process starter ?
What are the different modes of service invocation?
What is business key?
If you have installed a particular version of tibco software e.g. Tibco bw x.y.z, what are x, y and z number stands for?