What is the advantage of scripted deployment in Tibco?What is difference between scripted deployment and normal deployment
1 11736Already the table has some data in it, with the help of ADB we had inserted some data. By seeing the table how can we identify the data inserted by ADB.
3 7883I am a middleware support guy. I am working on Tibco but being a support guy dont know much details about it. My interest is to work as an Tibco administrator. Please suggest what to start with. I dont want to get into development. Please help??
2 11213I want to learn TIBCO? I have 4+ years of IT Exp in iSeries. But, i am interested in learing the TIBCO. Could anybody suggest..?
2 6706Hi, I want to learn TIBCO. Could anybody suggest, what are the topics i need to learn to become a TIBCO Consultant. I have 4 years of IT Exp but not on TIBCO. Please Suggest..?
1 4724What is the difference between Waitfor JMS queue Message and GetJMS queue message activity. Also pls reply in terms of performance
3 22840I need to hit a service of a jms connection from another jms connection.I am using soap over jms.How can we achive this?
1 9032Hi i want to learn TIBCO. I am not good at programming.. Which module should i prefer to learn in tibco. i am having 2 years exp in another sector, now i m planning to change my career path. Please suggest me.
What is the purpose of $_error variable ?
Which mechanism can be used to pass data between a process instance and a called sub process other than mapping from/to the callee's input/output ?
If there are Senders who are sending messages on a queue. And these messages are not yet received by the consumers. They are still lying in the server. But before the consumers could receive the message the server went down. Since they are persistent messages, they are saved. But when secondary comes up how will the secondary server will get the message because it’s a different machine. How will it get the messages which are with the Primary server?
What are the different types of transactions tibco provides?
What are the encodings supported by designer ?
How to design a process such that depending on number of records updated in a database, 3 different sub-processes may be called ?
What is the default axis in xpath ?
What are the maximum/minimum of threads available for incoming http ?
Where does the tibco admin maintains the version history of the application? Please tell us the path?
What are the possible error output's of read file activity?
Which one to prefer, Soap over JMS or Soap over HTTP in web service. Explain their pros and cons.
What is the advantage of scripted deployment in tibco?
What are the cases where business process cant proceed correctly subsequent to restart from a checkpoint ?
What is the role of tra?
How do you determine if there are broken references in the project?