Which one to prefer, Soap over JMS or Soap over HTTP in web service. Explain their pros and cons.
1106How to design a process such that depending on number of records updated in a database, 3 different sub-processes may be called ?
770What are the three scenarios where bw engine has to be configured with database persistence instead of local file ?
What are the modes of tibco bw installations ?
Explain the process configuration parameters - max jobs, flow limit & activation limit ?
If Sender has sent the message on a queue.If the JMS Primary Server went down and secondary Server get the message which is lost. Where is the message now?
If there are two sub processes then how can we call at a time one sub process dynamically by using call process?
Where do the default global variables declared in designer are stored in tibco administrator?
What are the uses of grouping activities ?
What are the encodings supported by designer ?
If there are Senders who are sending messages on a queue. And these messages are not yet received by the consumers. They are still lying in the server. But before the consumers could receive the message the server went down. Since they are persistent messages, they are saved. But when secondary comes up how will the secondary server will get the message because it’s a different machine. How will it get the messages which are with the Primary server?
What are the output formats for xslt?
What are the possible error output's of read file activity?
Which are the two process variables available to all activities with inputs ?
What are the revision control system options available in tibco designer?
How do you determine if there are broken references in the project?
What is the purpose of a lock shared configuration resource?
What are the maximum/minimum of threads available for incoming http ?