WinRunner Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Is Winrunner 7.01 supports .NET applications?

Second Foundation,

3 5450

Some of the importent functions in data driven test(ddt)?

Second Foundation,

4 10731

what are Recoring modea available in winrunner?

Second Foundation, TCS,

3 7894

What is context sensitive Recording?

Second Foundation,

7 10047

What is Analog Recording?

Second Foundation,

2 4696

Is Gui Map Created when you record in Analog mode?

Second Foundation,

2 6745

What are the functions generate when u use GUI Check point?give me some of ones?

Second Foundation,

4 6549

What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain?

Second Foundation,

5 9906

What is the add-in used to test the web application in winrunner?

Hanu Software, Second Foundation,

1 4355

How do you that one record was entered in to a particular table using winrunner?

BeBo Technologies,

3 6548

For what type of applications Rapid Test Script Wizard available?


3 8001

How many types of tests can u create in winrunner?


2 4959

How do you recognise Active X components in winrunner?

ADITI, Wipro,

4 5746

How do handle error/exceptions in winrunner.


2 5383

How do you create a startup script in winrunner and what is consists generally?


2 6485

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Un-Answered Questions { WinRunner }

hi this is uday iam trying for testing job with 3+ yrs of exp if u have qtp faqs materil plz send me thanks in advance


How can withwin runner to make single scripts which supports multiple languages?


What are different types of checkpoints?


What is a checkpoint and what are different types of checkpoints?


How do you filter the objects in the gui map?


How to get the resolution settings?


Explain the purpose of different record methods?


How enviornment veriable can be included into my script. I want to include some information into my Excel file using Test run in WR. like User name of system? waht is function to be used? Please clarify.....


What is the purpose of regexp_msw_class property?


What are the two modes of recording?


How do you load GUI map?


What happens when the gui map file get loaded?


What is parameterizing?


Explain the purpose of gui map configuration?


What do you mean by the logical name of the object.