Is Winrunner 7.01 supports .NET applications?
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What is synchronization? what is the purpose of wait() function? what is the diff. between wait() and other synchronization functions in winrunner?
8 Answers Infeneon Technologies,
What is T_Exit and T_return?
What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain?
plese tell me about vss?
wahat do u mean by exceptional handling in winrunner
What are the different kinds of testings done by WR
when obligatory & optional properties cannot uniquely identifying an object then in that case which method u r follow for identifying object in Win Runner ?
how u can crate a database checkpoint in ur script?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Context sensitive and Analog Recording?
what happens when the script is executed in verify mode
Explain the purpose of gui spy?
where can i get realtime projects