Difference between winrunner and test director?
What is the purpose of gui map configuration?
Explain data parameterization in winrunner?
global sheet and external excel sheet how it will work
How to force wr to learn the sub-items on a menu?
wat is the d/b windows 95&98&xp?could anybody give reply ?
What are different types of checkpoints?
Welcome link is dynamic. How do you handle? What is your approach and write script.plz send answer
How do you handle unexpected events and errors?
What is the use of gui map and what happens when gui map file get loaded?
supose 10 times text data is there but it will run 8 times whtat will you do.
What is the purpose of set_window command?
What are the virtual objects and how do you learn them?
what is mean by release in quality center and who will perfom?
What is the usage of Test case Design Techniques,in Integration/System Testing?