WinRunner Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the winrunner framework or architecture?


2 6671

what is the automation framework?

1 3910

which testcases do u automate?

1 3817

which testcases do u automate?

4 6204

How can we stop a automation program in middle of execution time?

3 4048

what is the TSL statement to find current systsem date?

2 3875

What is Data Driven TEsting?

ADP, Sonata,

16 29082

what are the modules present in Winrunner?


2 4841

list out the some of the exceptions list usually occur while recording and playing the script.

1 6455

what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?

HCL, Nucleus Software, Standard Chartered,

7 110285

How enviornment veriable can be included into my script. I want to include some information into my Excel file using Test run in WR. like User name of system? waht is function to be used? Please clarify.....

Google, Malhotra Associates, Seed Infotech,


What is the function that can be used to get the length of the edit box, other than 'Length(outvariable)' ?


1 4247

How do u identify the object that it is a standard object or not


3 5497

Hi iam a begginer or rather new stsrter to QTP and strugling to start as i have to start writing the automated scripts for the existing manual testing could some one send me some tips ans tricks for a jump start. Any help is greatly appreciated

John Deere,


Say there is some content in an array. what function do you use to get the content of an array?


1 3541

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Un-Answered Questions { WinRunner }

What is the usage of Test case Design Techniques,in Integration/System Testing?


what is mean by release in quality center and who will perfom?


global sheet and external excel sheet how it will work


What are the virtual objects and how do you learn them?


Write test scripts on a scenario where you have to transfer data from one table to another.


can i get apex technologies interview questions in testing


What is the use of gui map?


What is the purpose of set_window command?


How do you handle dynamically changing area of the window in the bitmap checkpoints?


Welcome link is dynamic. How do you handle? What is your approach and write script.plz send answer


Dear all i am new to testing my company using and we are developing web based application. How i can test those application with winrunner if any one have some good tutorial or link kindly provide thanks u.


Name the different types of checkpoints?


This Is Sekar, Can Any One Of You Help Me? Question: How To Draw Charts In Excel Sheet Using Winrunner Scripts. Thanks, Sekar.


What is parameterizing?


When it is appropriate to change physical description?