C Code Interview Questions
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main() { char *p; p="%d\n"; p++; p++; printf(p-2,300); }

1 9664

main(){ char a[100]; a[0]='a';a[1]]='b';a[2]='c';a[4]='d'; abc(a); } abc(char a[]){ a++; printf("%c",*a); a++; printf("%c",*a); }

2 6540

func(a,b) int a,b; { return( a= (a==b) ); } main() { int process(),func(); printf("The value of process is %d !\n ",process(func,3,6)); } process(pf,val1,val2) int (*pf) (); int val1,val2; { return((*pf) (val1,val2)); }


1 9405

void main() { static int i=5; if(--i){ main(); printf("%d ",i); } }

1 5536

void main() { int k=ret(sizeof(float)); printf("\n here value is %d",++k); } int ret(int ret) { ret += 2.5; return(ret); }

1 11132

void main() { char a[]="12345\0"; int i=strlen(a); printf("here in 3 %d\n",++i); }

3 20835

void main() { unsigned giveit=-1; int gotit; printf("%u ",++giveit); printf("%u \n",gotit=--giveit); }

1 8958

void main() { int i; char a[]="\0"; if(printf("%s\n",a)) printf("Ok here \n"); else printf("Forget it\n"); }


3 15618

void main() { void *v; int integer=2; int *i=&integer; v=i; printf("%d",(int*)*v); }


1 7275

void main() { int i=i++,j=j++,k=k++; printf(ā€œ%d%d%dā€,i,j,k); }

1 7899

void main() { static int i=i++, j=j++, k=k++; printf(ā€œi = %d j = %d k = %dā€, i, j, k); }

3 15005

void main() { while(1){ if(printf("%d",printf("%d"))) break; else continue; } }

1 14269

main() { unsigned int i=10; while(i-->=0) printf("%u ",i); }


2 17181

#include main() { int x,y=2,z,a; if(x=y%2) z=2; a=2; printf("%d %d ",z,x); }

1 4801

main() { int a[10]; printf("%d",*a+1-*a+3); }

1 4943

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why do you use macros? Explain a situation where you had to incorporate macros in your proc report? use a simple instream data example with code ?


How to palindrom string in c language?


How can you relate the function with the structure? Explain with an appropriate example.


What is the match merge ? compare data step match merge with proc sql merge - how many types are there ? data step vs proc sql


Write a program to model an exploding firecracker in the xy plane using a particle system


In a gymnastic competition, scoring is based on the average of all scores given by the judges excluding the maximum and minimum scores. Let the user input the number of judges, after that, input the scores from the judges. Output the average score. Note: In case, more than two judges give the same score and it happens that score is the maximum or minimum then just eliminate two scores. For example, if the number of judges is 5 and all of them give 10 points each. Then the maximum and minimum score is 10. So the computation would be 10+10+10, this time. The output should be 10 because 30/3 is 10.


How can I Create a C program in splitting set of characters to specific subsets. Example: INPUT SET OF CHARACTERS: Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. SPLIT INTO HOW MANY CHARACTERS PER SUBSETS: 10 OUTPUT: Therefore, my dear b rothers an d sisters, stand fir m. Let not hing move you. Alway s give you rselves fu lly to the work of t he Lord, b ecause you know that your labo r in the L ord is not in vain.


What is full form of PEPSI


Sir... please give some important coding questions asked by product companies..


how to test pierrot divisor


Given a spherical surface, write bump-mapping procedure to generate the bumpy surface of an orange


3) Int Matrix of certain size was given, We had few valu= es in it like this. =97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97 1 = | 4 | | 5 | &= nbsp; | 45 =97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97 &n= bsp; | 3 | 3 | 5 | = | 4 =97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97 34 |&nbs= p; 3 | 3 | | 12 | &= nbsp; =97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97 3 | &nbs= p; | 3 | 4 | = | 3 =97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97 3 | = ; | | | = ; 3 | =97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97=97 &= nbsp; | | 4 | = ; | 4 | 3 We w= ere supposed to move back all the spaces in it at the end. Note: = If implemented this prog using recursion, would get higher preference.


write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3d in 1d. function prototye: change(int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray); value=what is the date; indexX=x-asix indexY=y-axis indexZ=z-axis and 1dArray=in which and where the value is stored??


Write a routine to implement the polymarker function


write a simple calculator c program to perform addition, subtraction, mul and div.