void main()


int i;

char a[]="\0";


printf("Ok here \n");


printf("Forget it\n");


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void main() { int i; char a[]="\0"; if(printf("%s\n",a)) pri..

Answer / susie

Answer :

Ok here


Printf will return how many characters does it print. Hence
printing a null character returns 1 which makes the if
statement true, thus "Ok here" is printed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 4 No

void main() { int i; char a[]="\0"; if(printf("%s\n",a)) pri..

Answer / rahul bagale

Ans :Forget it


'' is a char with value 0 in C++ and an int with the value 0 in C.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

void main() { int i; char a[]="\0"; if(printf("%s\n",a)) pri..

Answer / sunder.r

answewr: forget it

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

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