Can you explain me what is object repository?
We do create a reference variable ‘driver’ of type webdriver
Define selenium 2.x?
How to handle the exceptions using the recovery scenario manager in qtp?
What will be the different kinds of locators in selenium?
If we write the script for login page and click on submit boutton then it opens order page...How we can validate that opened page is wether orderpage or not?
What is an object repository?
How to execute the WR Script through QTP? I have WinRunner script with initialization script, common scripts, GUI AND functions. I connected WR through QTP with "call to WinRunner" option but I am getting problem after connecting to WinRunner i.e. showing "Do you want to quit now" with 'yes' and 'No' message box
how to compare two bitmaps( 1. clients requirement & 2. Designed by dev) in qtp 8.2 wann clear steps
How are cgi programs, applets, javascripts, ActiveX components, etc. to be maintained, tracked, controlled, and tested?
Tell me what you know about selenium?
What is the use of defining a newobject in the object repository "Define New TestOject". How to use this further. If we define new testobject, how can it recognizes the objects properties of any application.
How to capture dynamic values in load runner and how Each of the captured values are to be written to a text file (c:\temp\LoadRunner1.txt)
What is the parameterization?
Hi, here r some questions, which were asked in Ekaplus, plz process these questions. 1. How we connect with the version?