What are the advantages of selenium grid?
What is action?
how to map requirements& test cases in quality center ???
Why do we use breakpoints in QTP?
describe some problems that u had with automating testing tool?
what is the difference betn QTP 8.0 AND PREVIOUS VERSION
When the loadrunner controller open the winrunner file then what is the location of the winner configuration file?
Mention why to choose python over java in selenium?
How to create a host list for a scenario?
What is the difference between transaction and transaction instance in loadrunner ?
How can we create object repository in selenium?
How to capture dynamic values in load runner and how Each of the captured values are to be written to a text file (c:\temp\LoadRunner1.txt)
How do I upload a file using selenium? I need to upload a word file during test execution.
Explain data parameterization in winrunner?
Tell me what kind of tests should not be automated?