Dot Net AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

does .NET support multiple inheritance ?

Ness Technologies,

13 23377

how do u achieve multilevel inheritance in .NET ?

Accenture, Ness Technologies, SteelWedge,

9 20032

what is stage management ? (ASP.NET)

Ness Technologies,

5 12005

what is session management ?

Ness Technologies,

3 9190

How can u manage state ?

Ness Technologies,

2 6426

how can u manage sessions ?

Ness Technologies,

3 6707

Explain in-proc,out-proc and sql server.

G7 CR Technologies, Ness Technologies,

4 52186

how would you manage data if u were not to use sessions or cookies ?

Ness Technologies,

2 5958

which would be the best to use inproc,outproc or sql server

Ness Technologies,

2 7495

how to manage session in webgarden ?

Binary Logics, Ness Technologies,

3 10036

What is a Windows Service and how does its lifecycle differ from a "standard" EXE?

Siebel Systems,

2 8831

How can a win service developed in .NET be installed or used in Win98?

1 3687

What is this DLL hell problem in dotnet? Can a virtual class be created/can a virtual method be created inside the class?


3 14612

what is

BirlaSoft, HCL,

8 10492

Difference between abstract class and interface

Accenture, Altruist, Baba Group, CitiGroup, Fiserv, HCL, IBM, iGate, Infosys, Jean Martin, Karthik Industries, Microsoft, OnDLine, TCS,

100 285025

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Un-Answered Questions { Dot Net AllOther }

What is the difference between .net mobile pages and ordinary .net web page? : Microsoft dot net mobile


5. Wcf- Session Managment


Can you explain server controls in atlas?


How does an appdomain get created?


Can you Explain element .net mobile with example? : Microsoft dot net mobile


Define a virtual memory? : Dot net architecture


What are the options provived by vss to the user? how it will help us while delevoping application?


What are the important principles of soa (service oriented architecture)?


What is code access security (cas)?


Explain How to improve the cache performance? : Dot net architecture


What happens to the winfx technologies?


What are .net mobile controls features? : Microsoft dot net mobile


What is a managed code is dim fs as filestreamobject is a managed code? : .NET Architecture


Can you explain scriptmanager control?


Explain the use of virtual, sealed, override, and abstract.