What is this DLL hell problem in dotnet?
Can a virtual class be created/can a virtual method be
created inside the class?

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What is this DLL hell problem in dotnet? Can a virtual class be created/can a virtual method be c..

Answer / guest

DLL hell is not the problem of dot net. Dot net provided
solution for it.
DLL Hell: In windows applications some dlls are shared
ones. Suppose app1 is an application running perfectly. It
is sharing a shared dll named shared1.dll. You are
installing another application app2. Suppose app2
application is also having a shared dll named shared1.dll.
At the time of app2 installation, installer will overwrite
the shared1.dll which is already there on our system and
being shared by app1. The new shared1.dll may be different
than the previous dll which is overwritten. Now the
application app1 which is depending on overwritten
shared1.dll will become defunct. app1 will fail.
that's all about dll hell.

Dot net shared assemblies are strongly named. Different
assemblies with same name but with different version
numbers may coexist in shared folders.
This is the solution provided by dot net.

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What is this DLL hell problem in dotnet? Can a virtual class be created/can a virtual method be c..

Answer / rajat paliwal

DLL Hell is nothing but overwriting the dll in the
registery. If two application are installed on a single
server one installed First and the Second Installed Later
and There is a dll with same name with different
functionality used in both the applications So in this case
Application one works fine all the days until application
two Installed on the machine. Once the Application two is
installed containing the DLL with the same name as
Application one Contains then In this case the application
one Fails as the DLL from Application two overwites the DLL
of Application one in the Registery. So Application two
works fine where as Application one Fails as the DLL is

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 3 No

What is this DLL hell problem in dotnet? Can a virtual class be created/can a virtual method be c..

Answer / guest

virtual class is nothing but it's a virtual class

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