if there are two application 1 and 2 having a variable x in both app if client1 changes value of x in 1 app client 2 want reads the value of x from 2 app what resultant value will he get
What is the purpose of hard disk? : Dot net architecture
How do you handle this COM components developed in other programming languages in .NET?
What is cache coherency? : Dot net architecture
How can I create a application?
Explain .net mobile automatic paging? : Microsoft dot net mobile
Explain hard disk and what is its purpose? : Dot net architecture
How does an appdomain get created?
Explain the five stages in a dlx pipeline? : .NET Architecture
what are the events for a form?
What is ILDASM ?
readonly syntax ?
What is .net mobile utility controls. : Microsoft dot net mobile
12. Types of polymorphisem[Run and Design Exp.]
Why the config file might not be writable