Explain in-proc,out-proc and sql server.

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Explain in-proc,out-proc and sql server...

Answer / sajid

In case of InProc, state is maintained within the managed
memory of the ASP.NET process whereas in case of OutProc
mode session is managed by an external resource (
StateServer or SQL Server )
In case of InProc, state is maintained within the managed
memory of the ASP.NET process whereas in case of OutProc
mode session is managed by an external resource (
StateServer or SQL Server )

This EggheadCafe article -
http://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20021016.asp has a good

Storage location

* InProc - session kept as live objects in web server
(aspnet_wp.exe). Use "cookieless" configuration in
web.config to "munge" the sessionId onto the URL (solves
cookie/domain/path RFC problems too!)
* StateServer - session serialized and stored in memory
in a separate process (aspnet_state.exe). State Server can
run on another machine
* SQLServer - session serialized and stored in SQL server


* InProc - Fastest, but the more session data, the more
memory is consumed on the web server, and that can affect
* StateServer - When storing data of basic types (e.g.
string, integer, etc), in one test environment it's 15%
slower than InProc. However, the cost of
serialization/deserialization can affect performance if
you're storing lots
of objects. You have to do performance testing for
your own scenario.
* SQLServer - When storing data of basic types (e.g.
string, integer, etc), in one test environment it's 25%
slower than InProc. Same warning about serialization as in


* InProc - Session state will be lost if the worker
process (aspnet_wp.exe) recycles, or if the appdomain
restarts. It's because session state is stored in the memory
space of an appdomain. For details, see KB324772.
* StateServer - Solve the session state loss problem in
InProc mode. Allows a webfarm to store session on a central
server. Single point of failure at the State Server.
* SQLServer - Similar to StateServer. Moreover, session
state data can survive a SQL server restart, and you can
also take advantage of SQL server failover cluster, after
you've followed instructions in KB 311029.

Is This Answer Correct ?    73 Yes 2 No

Explain in-proc,out-proc and sql server...

Answer / vimal

in-proc-----session kept as a live object in the web server
sql server---session serialized and stored in sql server(in

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 15 No

Explain in-proc,out-proc and sql server...

Answer / ranjana tyagi

Inproc- In this the information(session) is stored in
aspnet_wp.exe.Which is lost when the application is closed.

Outproc-outproc statemanagement are state server and sql

sql server- the session is stored in sql server.

state server-The session is stored in aspnet_state.exe.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 7 No

Explain in-proc,out-proc and sql server...

Answer / manoj bhatt

in proc-by default the session mode is in proc,the session
object is maintained in the current application domain or we
can say in the web server memory
advantage-fast,easy to use
disadvantage-not support web garden,server restart session lose

out proc-here we maintain the session in any external source
like sql server or aspnet_state.exe
advantage-session data is not lose,when server
reboot,support web garden
dis-hard to implement,require serial,deserialization

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

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