What are pooled tables? : abap data dictionary
On which even we can validate the input fields in module progams?
Explain the difference between tables and structures?
How are BAPI different from Normal function modules ?
What is alv programming in abap?
How many ways can a sap system be accessed?
What are data classes? What are the various data classes available for selection? : abap data dictionary
What is step-loop?
wat are the process that can be executed & tracked in a workflow?
Specify the types of data dictionary objects.
What is an evaluation path? : sap abap hr
Find the scenario and give the result: a, b, c are employees, where a, b will get basic, hra, da. C gets basic and da. How to group for the allowances? : sap abap hr
In Smartforms or ADOBE Forms Can we get text from standard table in verticle form? if yes, How?
When the top-of-page event does get triggered?
Does sap handle multiple currencies?