2-What is the difference between At New and On change Of inside a loop??I want inside a loop difference not basic difference??
4 16357What is the difference between Selection Screen on Request and Selection screen on input?
2 4731What is the exact difference between pooled table and cluster table and explain with examples?
3 9406What are the diferent types of internal table available? How can we know the size of the internal tables?
1 5289
How can we access the correction and transport system?
What are indexes? : sap abap data dictionary
What does the extract statement do in extract datasets?
What are the functional modules used in sequence in bdc? : abap hr
What is example class
Which function modules can be used to transfer the data using bdc programming? : abap bdc
What functions does a data dictionary perform ?
hi I am in training of functional module, i am unable to understand what exactly use of IDOC,BAPI,DIM and BIM. As LSMW and BDC methods are used for data conversion from legacy to sap. Might be it is silly question. please explain me
Explain Singleton class
What are the different modules of sap? : sap abap hr
What does an exec sql statement do in abap?
Explain how to create any functions? How to go about it?
What is meant by payscale structure? How did you configure pay scale structure? : sap abap hr
What is lock object ? : abap data dictionary
How do you write transaction programs in sap?