can i use the commands "modify" and Change in DB2 to alter my column datatype and its name in a table?
1849i applied prompt on country when i run report it shows list of all countries but want it to show only four countries name
18541.what are components of querystdio and report studio and cognoss connection? 2. how to use prompts in query studio? 3.what is lock and un lock objects? to test the re[ports in query studio? to use brust option and when? 6.what is the performance testing? 7.condition explorer whaen your using? impromptu how do you create cascading prompt? 9.diff between section and group? 10.types filters where you are using group filters and tabular filter? 11.tabular model, tabular references ,tabular set , tabular sql? 12.what is the use of multi[le packages? 13what types of problems arise when create a join? to provide package sequirety? server components? many kinds of quality subjects? do you specify the joins? would you maintain the relations in frame work manager? 19.what is usage of segments and how to provide it? 20.governer settings in frame work maneger? to create filter in frame work manager? 22diffrence between represention layer and physical layer? to create prompts in frame work manager? 24.what errors occured when verify the model? to publish package in net work or local system?
1 49541. How to test Database? Please, give me all details for "SQL,Msaccess, Mysql Database? 2.For which functionalities database used? 3.How to convert Guest to Admin by Mysql database?
1928Which is the best sorting method if i have to sort the students of Harvard University according to their first name?
1 6035Can we have a function Overloading with same number of arguments but with different return types of function
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if i want to display the name of students such that to which city they belong must have count greaer than two
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How to produce such kind of file?
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What is ole db source in ssis?
Can a database table exist without a primary key?
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query to Compare data of two tables between two different Databases(Oracle and SQL Server) Eg., Source Database: Oracle Table: Employee Target Database : SQL Server Table : emp