Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what interests do you have outside work?


4 12166

what would your ideal job be?


3 12653

Can you give an example of a time when you experienced good customer service and explain why it was good ? Tell me about a time when you gave effective customer service?


Explain the line "All that glitters is not gold"

IBM, ICICI, John Deere, TATA, Wipro,

60 114817

why do u want to join a call centre?

247Customer, HSBC, Nipuna, Sutherland,

40 86469

why do you want to join a call centre being a computer science graduate?

DELL, Htmt, Spectramind, Tata DoCoMo, Wipro,

11 27067

have you attended any other interviews?


2 10507

After completing your graduation u were not working for a year. What were u doing during that period?


5 15608

You dont have any experience in call center field? why should i hire u?

11 26162

I'm a team lead at a call center and there are two other team leads who share the same floor. where do u stand as a team lead when compared to other two?

1 4945

What you lacks as a professional.

BA Continnum Solutions,

4 8887

What qualities do you have as a professional.

BA Continnum Solutions,

6 13969

What do you find good in your present company.

Aegis, BA Continnum Solutions, Wipro,

4 13120

what is the definition of shadow & what give a lesson to us

4 8398

what is the definition of teacher & tell 5 qualities

ANG, Ccaps, College School Exams Tests, ICI, ICICI, Wipro,

92 266634

Post New Call Centre AllOther Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Call Centre AllOther }

why you feel you would be suitable for Inbound customer service consultant role in a bank ?


How you would be an asset to this organization?


Create an email to the customer for the damaged mobile phone... what is the answer req. in this mail


Will you be happy to re-locate, if required?


what is good intro,job profle,why you change your perious job,


what is the four different use of bricks accept the construction and building?


Are you comfortable working in night shifts? : bpo


speak an minute where u reside


what is the use of a call center? what are the most commonly asked questions during a call center interview? can you give me some tips on a call center job interview? what is the use of a call center? can you give me some lists of possible questions in a call center interview? including the best answers for that particular question. Thank you.


have you seen a manhole? why do you think it is shaped like a circle?


What are the responsibilities of administrative officer in some educational institutions


I got a chance in company placement in my university .... The h.r ask several random question on the basis of ur communication skill n grammer... Firstly they ask .. Tell me about urself ? . how was ur school life? Fav. Movie n why . tell the story? How was ur First day in college? Etc....


Process conducted for mortgage process for both fresher's n experienced .


what is difference between marketing and kpo


what is crm?