hi can any body give me a script for creating a modularity or keyword driven framework..i am working as a qtp tester for 2 months but still i am not exposed to framework in my company
1605What is RAM memory? and What is ROM?Who designed one is temparary and another is permanent?why they designed like that?By using far pointer which type data(whether hexadecimal)we can access?
1 4777pointer_variable=(typecasting datatype*)malloc(sizeof(datatype)); This is the syntax for malloc?Please explain this,how it work with an example?
2 8542#include
Why data types in all programming languages have some range? Why ritche have disigned first time likethat?Why not a single data type can support all other types?
2 4254what is 16 bit processor and what is 32 bit processor?how can we differentiate and identify or find that ?How they access data?
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How does ill-conditioning affect nn training?
Define Environment Variable in UFT and its uses?
How do I turn off auto sync on my android phone?
Can hive run without hadoop?
What is lazy code?
Explain in brief about siebmtsh.exe.
A project is considered successful when: A. The product of the project has been manufactured. B. The project sponsor announces the completion of the project. C. The product of the project is turned over to the operations area to handle the ongoing aspects of the project. D. The project meets or exceeds the expectations of the stakeholders.
What are the different versions of sas that you have used until now? : sas-grid-administration
How big can the company get? - Venture Capitalists
Name splunk alternatives?
Can you freeze a table in excel?
What is c variable?
Explain first() operation in Apache Spark RDD?
Payment Blocks . What is "A" and "R" Blocks in Account payables.. ??