Is it possible to implement parallelism in Mainframe Jobs ? If Yes how ? If no why ?
what is the difference between testing and quality analysis
What are the advantages of case class?
Describe how dhtml work with javascript.
What is meant by generics in c#?
Assuming feedback to the adversary flugging an error as each incorrect character is entered, what is the expected time to discover the correct password?
List the type of locks and explain each of them.
What is an Implicit Intent in Android?
What is a data class? : abap data dictionary
Is fortran still used today?
What are initializer in swift?
List various types of log-based recovery in DBMS.
SIR I faced two exams for the junoior Engg. but i do not passed them so sir i requested sir u send me question papers for technicallly for elect& comm engg.
in trading credit why does goods sent on consignment come?
What is the minimal set of information for matching dependency reference against a dependencymanagement section?