what are three tenets of object orinted Systems?Why they call like that ? Please answer me. Advance thanks.
2 4299Post New Excel OOPS Interview Questions
Can bias ever be fully removed from AI systems? Why or why not?
Write a syntax and purpose of switch statement.
How to perform backup and recovery operations?
Which is better windows 7 or windows xp?
What are the five major components of a dbms?
List some of the various tools used in robotics?
What is expression language injection?
What is a generic method?
How many types of dos are there?
What does session start do in php?
How can we split the data in a table vertically or horizontally?
Tell something about Coal scam?
In sap simple finance, even in case the client never uses the asset accounting, is it mandatory to have a new asset accounting?
Does bsd use linux kernel?
Can you explain about the indexing process in hdfs?