What is Firewall? I saw in one website Firewall is software and hardware and combination of software and hardware.It is used to protect user information or avoiding crackers.how it is?Whether it is hardware?If not then why the images are like that?(a wall ).Please help me by answering this question.Advance thanks.
4 4911How the telecommunicaton is working?I have heared that one control will be there for asia countries for other countries there will be another,what is that how they work?
2079Post New Excel Networking Security Interview Questions
Give some examples of command terminators?
What is java volatile?
What are the three logical sets of tables that make up a PeopleSoft database and what is the purpose of each?
Explain what a diffgram, and a good use for one Define diffgram? How it be used?
How do I center text vertically in css?
What is cql? How can you run cql commands in neo4j?
Can a user retrieve only a particular part of the information if he has a nested json data in dynamodb?
Why would you use swingutilities.invokeandwait or swingutilities.invokelater?
state some of the features present in web sphere?
Explain the tallness trait of a pea plant moving separately from the color trait an example of?
What is an algorithm in java collection framework? : java collections
write a proram to reverse the string using switch case?
What happens when a magnetic material is heated strongly?
What is the difference between sqldatareader and sqldataadapter?
what is the diffrence between trade customer and non trade customer .