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Cipla Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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How to choose the which salt is suitable for mobilephase


What is Standard deviation

2 11276

What is difference between silica used in TLC and HPLC column

4 18232

Why Urasil and Caffeine use for HPLC wavelength accuracy calibration. which is most suitable, Why? other than these which can be used?

7 17753

Why pH Range has been fixed as 0 to 14 ?

1 6751

How can we determine Moisture content of HI?

1 2844

why we do the calibration of limit of stry light in hplc & uv

1 3677

what is leading peak in hplc

1 12052

From peak purity spectrum, where or at which point peak purity angle & purity threshold is checked?

1 3736

why we can use only 4 and 7 and 9 buffers in pH calibration

1 4735

why we use only six bowls for dissolution of a drug

1 20583

On which pharmacopoeia basis we can calibrate instruments like HPLC,GC,UV,DISSO,IR etc...

9 23605

why do we adjusted ph in the mobilphase

9 23111

can we use the same detector in HPLC as well GC and what could be the differences we can find in the final chromato graph in any aspects?


What is the difference between Spectroscopy and spectrophotometry,What are the applications?

4 10849

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Cipla Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions

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What does the f9 key do?


Differentiate bfs and dfs?


Can I add mvc testcases in visual studio express?


Explain how input and output data format of the hadoop framework?


What is diversity factor in electric installations?


How do I lower my cpu usage windows 10?


What is this keyword in C#?


What is similarity factor?


when we connect the capacitor banks in series with the circuit? 2 144 pH is having unit?


I want to fetch data from datareader. i have three tables in datareader. i want to bind my two table with datagrid, then i want to fetch a value from my third table. do u have any idea pls help me. we use dr.nextresult() for multiple tables.


While at berkeley, melvin calvin used this radioisotope to decipher many of the complex processes of photosynthesis:


where do you want to see yourself after 5 years?


Who were james watson, francis crik and maurice wilkins?


Can you buy just word and excel?


what is efficient motors and how it is different from normal induction motors