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Tata Business Support Services TBSS Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are your biggest weaknesses?

30 58399

If we hire you, and then another company will offer you more money - what will you do?

26 49763

why bpo

22 139037

Tell me 2 minutes about traffic hyderabad ?

48 252409

about hyderabad

8 31406

Tell me something about ur school days?

12 75827

what is B.P.O ?

22 51209

tell me six points about hyderabad

22 150873

what is the definition of quality

4 24501

please provide jam round interview topics and answers

58 1016821

topic on telecommunication.

1 7810

wht is the difference between KPO and BPO ?

7 25320

Dear all pls send fic aptitude questions and answer

1 4332

why do you want to become a team leader?

3 73117

Why Do you want to join the call center

10 18744

Post New Tata Business Support Services TBSS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the source of government income?


What is the use of the date function in the vbscript language?


What is iis used for?


Suppose you want to implement the one-to-many relationships while designing tables. How would you do it?


How do I fix outlook not receiving emails?


how do I play {insert rpg system here}?


How can c# app request minimum permissions? : java security


What is c++ mutable?


How do I start netbeans?


Can you move your program files to another drive?


How to get out of a table in word?


How do I match two columns in excel?


How do you make a cell active in excel?


In a voltage-controlled current source A A current booster is never used B The load is always floated C A stiff current source drives the load D The load current equals Isc


how you can access an uncataloged dataset in a JCL?