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Tata Business Support Services TBSS Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are your biggest weaknesses?

30 58654

If we hire you, and then another company will offer you more money - what will you do?

26 49943

why bpo

22 139300

Tell me 2 minutes about traffic hyderabad ?

48 253060

about hyderabad

8 31519

Tell me something about ur school days?

12 76026

what is B.P.O ?

22 51419

tell me six points about hyderabad

22 151172

what is the definition of quality

4 24557

please provide jam round interview topics and answers

58 1017696

topic on telecommunication.

1 7829

wht is the difference between KPO and BPO ?

7 25427

Dear all pls send fic aptitude questions and answer

1 4351

why do you want to become a team leader?

3 73202

Why Do you want to join the call center

10 18868

Post New Tata Business Support Services TBSS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Who uses qtp tool?


How do you find current date and time in oracle?


what are the different integrity rules present in the dbms?


Explain what is the stack of autorelease pools. How autorelease pool work under the hood?


Please explain the different types of views in sap hana?


what is difference betweeen operator overloading & operator overriding?


What is the use of dispatcherservlet in spring?


Where can you write the peoplecode?


How does dynamic loading aid in better memory space utilization?


Explain why to choose python over java in selenium?


What is isdigit c++?


Tell me how to set database connection in laravel?


A field containing currency amounts (data type curr) must be assigned to a reference table and a reference field. Explain.? : abap data dictionary


Your opinion of the budget?


What is pojo model?