How did you use the round function?give an example(don't
say it will round to the nearest intger) eg1:round(84.55,.1)
=84.6 eg2:round(92.64,.1)=92.6,How it is happening like
this tell me the logic,that is how the round function works
when we have deimal values?

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How did you use the round function?give an example(don't say it will round to the nearest int..

Answer / unknown

round fuction works such that the first argument in the
fuction is to the nearest multiple of the second argument

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

How did you use the round function?give an example(don't say it will round to the nearest int..

Answer / learner

Round function rounds to nearest point according to given
significant limit.

EX1 round(84.55 , .1) in this case the significant limit
given by you is .1. so it will round upto one decimal value
(aa.a). Since the value is .55 it returns .6 . then the
output is 84.6(84+.5+.1)

Ex2 round(92.64, .1) the value that is need to be rounded
is .04 and less than half of significant value it returns
0. so total valu is 92+.6+.0=92.6

I hope it will help you

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 6 No

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