What is the best free c++ compiler for windows?
what are risk assement in the analytical qbd?
Which command is used to see the online manual?
which data are need when microwave are linked in communication..???
What is ST and specify its range of voltage.
What is WMLScript standard libraries?
How much diesel does 1000 kva rating dg set at full load consume?
Describe a contribution you have made to a project on which you have worked previously?
please send me previous year questions of jspl through which i could prepare myself for the test.
What is spa in angular?
What message exchange patterns (meps) supported by wcf? Explain each of them briefly.
How do you write a range in excel?
Normally they r setting question 4rm time@distance,time@work,ages,cisterns@pipes,etc
Tell me what is meant by “business content” in sap?
What is difference between raw_input and input in python?