Explain controlling (co) in sap? : co- general controlling
User registration form so many details will be there to enter like Username,Phone No,Email id ect.how do we write test cases for that? in one textbox i have to write all the test cases and go to next textbox
How does the system handle roll areas for external program components?
specific example of a time when criticised your work.
How do I create a pop up in excel?
What is testng and why is it better than junit?
Can xml use non-latin characters?
Define ammensalim?
why qpsk is done for 45 135225315 not 0 90.270 360 degrees "degrees why "
How to code these statements in JCL: CLEANUP INITIAL(NO) RESTART(NO) DYNALLOC(NO) job definition..?
When underfitting occurs in a static model?
Differences between star and snowflake schemas?
What are the internal and external faults?
What is aop module?
what are the build phases available in Xcode?