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Lodha Interview Questions
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How do you determine realistic schedules for the project?

1 44326

how the slump and Compressive Strength of concrete cube is performed in a civil engg lab ?

8 25845

How much binding wire is required for one tone reinforcement ?

21 131209

what is westage % for steel, concrete,tiles,pains as per indian staderd code?

6 60977

can we go for short rcc column without any steel rienfocement carrying truely axial load only???(No other load acting on it such as wind load,earthquake & lateral earth pressure)

2 5498

diesel generator not getting start so whats problems will happen to DG and how we can start DG

1 4222

Why we used ther red bricks for construction..

1 3085

What is the difference between pvc,cpvc and upvc and where it is used as per their properties?????


how to calculate steel in slabs ?

1 9041

Why do we not deduct steel volume to find actual volume of concrete in practical as we have studied that,,, actual volume of concrete = volume of column- volume of steel pls explain with reference of IS code?????


why do we not deduct volume of steel to find actual volume of concrete in practical???


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How do you generate file output from sql?


Donnan's equilibrium?


What is a primary key constraint?


What is mongodb architecture?


Has anyone attended interviews in IITs for positions like Research fellowships/assistants? If yes, please share the experience about how complex the interview was, etc. etc.


How to send XAML file on server using HTTP protocol?


What is the purpose of swift?


write a c program in such a way that if we enter the today date the output should be next day's date.


What is the difference between ctrl and alt?


HI, can anybody give details about GAS TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION,as INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEER what are the responsibilites.what are the instruments mainly instrumentation engineer will deal with


How is a constant defined in a PHP script?


What is meant by optical space communication ?


We have two APFC panels in same station. I need how to connect CT in two APFC panels.can we take one CT in series connection or two separate CTs.


How to loop through the result set with @@fetch_status?


Difference between delete and free.