how to check the earth resistance value& what is the minimum earth resistance for good earthing sysytem.
33 147427How to calculate HT XLPE CABLE for 11 kv / 433 v , 1500 kva oil type transformer system? plz provide step by step calculation
15 127214I want formula to calculate cable size as per load given in kw & amp.I searched many sites but didn't right answer.Plz reply me asap.
41 415061How can CALCULAT the current carrying capacity of aluminum and cOpper cables respective of that ? with formulas ?
12 190572Post New Polycab Interview Questions
What does this statement do @@rowcount?
Define the term transaction routing?
What are the usual checks when induction motor is running?
Do you need to install Spark on all nodes of Yarn cluster while running Spark on Yarn?
What is meant by clr?
What is the role of co-operating system in abinitio?
How do I automatically color cells in excel?
Differentiate between structured cobol programming and object-oriented cobol programming.
What are your expectations from a career perspective of devops?
What is java used for on a computer?
Where does excel save temp files?
What is cron in drupal ?
Explain this error: "all record formats for externally-described file abcd ignored or dropped due to error; file ignored."?
What is the difference between a simple element and a complex element?
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