How to find rating of Chiller a.c. plant i.e. how to calculate the a.c. load of an area, feeded by Chiller ?
3867Post New Voltas Interview Questions
What layer is http?
Is hadoop based on google mapreduce?
Eplain extern keyword?
What is .net and why it is used?
If we delete the page.tpl.php then drupal site will work or not?
Which roles will get access by default on creation of custom entity?
Does django need a database?
What is cassandra used for?
List out various tools required to support testing during development of the application?
what are the primary sales avenues's of a bookstore
Explain why nand-nand realization is preferred over and-or realization?
HI, This question is Investment Banking domain related Question. I was asked in an Interview to tell the 5 test cases for Equity,Bond,Futures and options. Please help.. Pragya
How to load multiple tables into a dataset?
Can we use OPNQRYF command without using OVRDBF command ?
How can you make sure of logical grouping of cells in the hbase?