what is type of protocol used in instrument field to marshalling cabinet cabel. what is the differenance between bus cabel and instrument cabel?
1 3880Did mobile moves from cell DCH to Cell FACH State if so..What information will pass between Cell FACH and Cell Dch states
1 8315If it costs x dollors for making certain item if quantity is 1000 and if quantity increase then the item is made using y dollars. If z number of items are made which are greater than 1000 then what is the total cost.
6 13261i purchase a microwave which is 50/60Hz but Current Setting 60Hz in my country we usually use 50hz, can i use AVR to solve my problem?
2 4590you are the project manager of a project , customer is asking for a change in scope and agrees that it will be a CR. But you do not want to take the CR for whatever reason. How will you convince the customer in doing so
2 11140Post New Samsung Interview Questions
tell me which classes can be applied to button group instead of resizing each button?
Silverlight is developed in which languages?
How to pad with leading zeros an int or smallint in sybase?
Tell me what is the difference between starting a string with single quote and double quote? What you will use in general instance?
how can we implement locks in plsql?
What is private and shared assembly?
Explain the functions of paring disc and flow control disc in purifier and clarifier?
Is it important for a database administrator to understand the operating system and file access?
Explain About .NET Remoting and types of remoting
What is a constructor in c#?
Explain what is the main difference between 8085 and 8086 processors?
Which instance varieties support by enhanced monitoring?
How do you post the goods if the po number is not known?
Explain remapping method calls in codeigniter?
What is simple indexing method?